Dagsarkiv: 19 september, 2014

In English by C.E.S.I.

SinterCast – Near future orders in a highly scalable business?




SinterCast also recently has been highlighted by Björn Davegårdh, an experienced swedish analyst (September 1, 2014).

“CGI is used mainly in the engine block and has superior properties, and weighs less than other materials. Contrary to what many believe goes Sintercast now a profit even if it is modest. Now scaled up production and is located on an annual rate of 1.8 million Engine Equivalents (equivalent passenger car engines) per year. It will gradually increase to 2.4 million Engine. It also includes Ford’s new gasoline engine. It happens a lot in Sintercast with new installations and collaborations in China. 2019 counts Sintercast with a volume of 4.7 million equivalent to about 125 million in revenue. This places the results at around 90 million SEK. Added to this is completely new engine that we currently do not know much about. In addition, more and more components, in addition to the engine block, that is produced in CGI. Moreover, if the so-called OPOC engine becomes a success, it can be really fun.”


About the EcoMoors OPOC engine



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