månadsarkiv: augusti 2014

Vågar du ta rygg på denne man?




Jag har redan gjort det.

Fördelen med en OPOC motor jämfört med en traditionell förbränningsmotor

1. Lägre kostnad för motsvarande effekt , upp till 50 % lägre pris

2. Mindre yttermått, ( hälften)

3. Mindre antal rörliga delar , som gå sönder ( 385 minskas till 62 delar)

4. Flera moduler kan kopplas ihop med en elektrisk koppling och när ena motorn inte behövs kan den stoppas helt. Mycket effektivare än cylinder-deaktivering eftersom dessa icke aktiva cylindrar i en traditionell motor måste dras runt utan förbränning.

6. Renare avgaser vid mindre bränsleförbrukning. Tier 2 Bin 5 emissions requirements on diesel.

7. Kan drivas med alla flytande drivmedel. Etanol, bensin, diesel

8. Med en friktion i motorn som är 40 % lägre


Om motorn







Första ordern, en fabrik på 200 milj US dollars


EcoMotors and Zhongding have been working together on the engine since 2010, with production scheduled to begin in 2014.



andra ordern, likaså på 200 milj US dollars


DETROIT Wed Mar 5, 2014 2:30am GMT

(Reuters) – EcoMotors, a Michigan-based engine maker backed by Microsoft founder Bill Gates and venture capitalist Vinod Khosla, has formed a joint venture in China with a subsidiary of First Auto Works.

The FAW subsidiary, First Auto Works Jingye Engine Company, is investing more than $200 million in the venture, BEM (Shanxi) Co, which aims to begin building an advanced engine designed by EcoMotors in 2015 in China’s Shanxi province.


Javisst är den med block i CGI

Those vehicles, at least at first, likely are to be built in China. EcoMotors has granted Zhongding Power a license to build diesel versions of the engine. Zhongding is constructing a plant in Anhui Province to produce the engine at an anticipated rate of 150,000 per year.  The first unit is expected to be built in the spring of 2015. Zhongding is also nearing completion of a compacted graphite iron (CGI) foundry to provide blocks for the engine. The facility, Soman said, should be in operation in the last quarter of 2014 and will provide CGI to outside customers as well as to Zhongding’s engine plant. – 




 Då till den stora frågan.

Varför kommer denna OPOC-motor först nu om den är uppfunnen redan på 1930-talet?


Svaret och den stora skillnaden är blockmaterialet. CGI. Man kunde inte göra den utan att ta till i materialtjocklek på 1930-talet. Detta för att förhindra att den sprack av det höga trycket. Ursprungsmotorn blev alldeles för tung.

Everybody knows how to make an engine more efficient, run it at higher temeratures. The problem is finding a material that will withstand the heat. 

Engine weight is likely to be high because it will have to be very strongly built to cope with the high peak pressures seen as a result of the rapid high temperature combustion.[14]




Bill Gates gick in med ett bra kapital ( 23,5 milj US dollars) 2010 när EcoMotors var 2 år gammalt och hade gjort 5 prototyper. Sedan har det gått undan.


Man hade tre alternativ


Runkle said the commercialization of the opoc engine could come in any of three ways:

1. EcoMotors could build a plant and supply the engine to automakers.

2. It could license the technology to automakers or suppliers.

3. It could enter into a joint venture with a manufacturer to build it.

Det blev alltså det tredje alternativet och i Kina eftersom de traditionella biltillverkarna i väst var kallsinniga.  Har vi stött på det förr?




EcoMotors med en ny motor i CGI.

Med en förbrukning på 0.23 liter/mil för en 5-sits personbil.  Tror någon att den inte blir en hit?

Produktionen startar under detta året i volymer runt 150.000

Den aktuella motorn är en sensation


EcoMotors OPOC engine diagram

Detta kan bli riktigt stort. Läs detta:



och detta



Those vehicles, at least at first, likely are to be built in China. EcoMotors has granted Zhongding Power a license to build diesel versions of the engine. Zhongding is constructing a plant in Anhui Province to produce the engine at an anticipated rate of 150,000 per year.  The first unit is expected to be built in the spring of 2015. Zhongding is also nearing completion of a compacted graphite iron (CGI) foundry to provide blocks for the engine. The facility, Soman said, should be in operation in the last quarter of 2014 and will provide CGI to outside customers as well as to Zhongding’s engine plant. – 

Rätt så bekanta formuleringar


EcoMotors and Zhongding have been working together on the engine since 2010, with production scheduled to begin in 2014.

We won’t be seeing it under the hood of a regular production car any time soon though–instead, the design is likely to be used in a generator format, or in off-road and commercial vehicles.

Är det ett långskott att tro att denna anläggning är den som avses i


Serieproduktionen förväntas att starta under 2014, med en initial  kapacitet på cirka 300 000 motorekvivalenter årligen för tunga fordon, off-road samt stationära applikationer inom industriell kraft.

En förbrukning på 100 MPG i en 5-sits personbil. Det motsvarar 0,23 l/mil. Fattar man hur stort detta kan bli?


 The latest company to be promoting clean technology is EcoMotors International, a group that has plans to introduce a five-seater car capable of achieving 100mpg by next year 







Runkle said that EcoMotors also has letters of intent with three Chinese manufacturers. He said he expects the engines to begin appearing in vehicles in 2015 or 2016. Chinese automakers are aggressively exploring new powertrains, making China an attractive market, he said.


Detta kan bli riktigt bra.


EcoMotors and a subsidiary engine company of First Auto Works (FAW) in JV to build opoc engines in China (updated)

4 March 2014

EcoMotors, Inc., (EM), developer of opposed-piston opposed-cylinder (opoc) engine technology (earlier post), has formed a joint venture with First Auto Works Jingye Engine Company (FAW JY) to develop, manufacture, sell and service the opoc engine technology in China.

The opoc architecture comprises 50% fewer components and far less mass than conventional internal combustion engines. The fully modular capability of opoc enables significant efficiency gains—up to nearly half the fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in “dual-module” configurations when compared with conventional engines of similar power.

The reduced mass and weight also allows automakers to fundamentally rethink the way they design vehicles, which holds the potential for further efficiencies through improved aerodynamics.



En OPOC motor kommer att lägga ungefär $ 600 till $ 900 till kostnaden för ett fordon, jämfört med en extra $ 3000 för en hybrid, enligt Don Runkle, CEO för EcoMotors. Säger Coletti: ”Den här tekniken är störande för branschen.”


 Ecomotors estimates that the number of moving parts in its engine has been reduced from 385 to 62, meaning that there is one heck of a lot fewer parts that need servicing and can go bad.


Det är flera steg i denna raketen

Det andra är just tänt och även det kostar 200 milj US Dollars. Det innebär att kineserna är på väg att redan initialt satsa 400 milj US dollars på denna motorn som ännu inte gått i serieproduktion.

U.S. engine maker backed by Bill Gates forms second China venture

DETROIT Wed Mar 5, 2014 2:30am GMT

(Reuters) – EcoMotors, a Michigan-based engine maker backed by Microsoft founder Bill Gates and venture capitalist Vinod Khosla, has formed a joint venture in China with a subsidiary of First Auto Works.

The FAW subsidiary, First Auto Works Jingye Engine Company, is investing more than $200 million in the venture, BEM (Shanxi) Co, which aims to begin building an advanced engine designed by EcoMotors in 2015 in China’s Shanxi province.

FAW’s manufacturing partners in China include Volkswagen AG (VOWG_p.DE), Toyota Motor Corp (7203.T) and General Motors Co.

It is the second China venture for EcoMotors, a suburban Detroit startup, which announced a similar deal last April with China’s Zhongding Power. The privately held Chinese firm plans to ramp up production this year in Anhui province, supplying engines for use in commercial and off-road vehicles.

Both China ventures will build EcoMotors’ OPOC engine, which is more compact than conventional gas and diesel engines of similar power. It is also said to be cheaper and to deliver higher fuel economy and fewer emissions.

Braemer Energy Ventures is also an investor in EcoMotors, which was founded in 2008.

Det kan växa till 400.000 motorer per år efter ett tag.

The factory will be the first in the world building EcoMotor’s “opoc,” opposed piston, opposed cylinder engine, at a commercial scale. When it starts production in 2014, the factory will aim to produce 150,000 engines per year. There’s also an adjacent site that could expand production to 400,000 engines per year down the road.



Ny anläggning till Kina

Ett jätteland med en megapotential.

Det system som är till en helautomatisk CGI-fabrik och som skall tas i bruk nu i sommar följs nu även av ett nytt system som skall installeras i aug och tas i bruk under Q4.

Detta är en ÅTTONDE installationen i Kina. De kommer att ge många sköna royaltyintäkter när de rullar igång på allvar. Det med systemförsäljning är bara agnet under det internationella storfisket. 



Impro är verksamma även i USA och Europa




Cummins ökar sin produktion med 50 %

Some of that investment no doubt will be down to the ISX5.0 engine with a compacted graphite iron (CGI) vee cylinder block – the first time the company has committed to CGI in a production engine.

Det är den motorn som kommer i Nissan Titan i slutet av detta året och Toyota Tundra nästa år.


Cummins har hållit på med denna motorn länge och nu kommer den i produktion. De försöker aktivt att sälja den till flera producenter.


Med block från Tupy med Sintercast.



den kan bli en storsäljare

En jämförelse med RAM 1500 3 liters ( också i CGI från Sintercast) I denna test vinner RAM 1500 men det är positiva formulering även om Nissans Cumminsmotor


BobCat is back. The new Sheriff in Town

Jag vill i detta läge påminna om ett inlägg från ett tag sedan. Det verkar som om Ford nu har tryckt på knappen för detta projekt.

Väntan är över

Terry Aldea, global executive, castings and forgings operations, Ford Motor Company, hinted during his presentation at the SinterCast AGM in 2013 that ”the waiting would soon be over” for a gasoline engine with a CGI block.

Terry Aldea sade även  vid minglet innan stämman 2013 till en av besökarna.

”The snowball is rolling faster and faster. Noone can stop it” 

Han visste han……….


Sneak Peek! Ford's

Ford said when developing the BobCat in 2008 that it would be a natural follow up from the Eco Boost
page 6
to be applied over a much broader number of vehicles.
DETTA mina vänner är just vad som håller på att ske. En mycket ökande användning av denna goda teknik. Man får ut kraft som ur en diesel men till priset av bensinteknik som är mycket billigare.
page 11
Compacted graphite iron block.
Det med CGI är en direkt förutsättning för att man skall kunna hantera de stora krafter som det här är tal om.
page 18
The EBS technology overlay being developed can be viewed as a further extension of the “EcoBoost strategy.”
En naturlig teknisk följd av den nuvarande EcoBoost tekniken.


I think that the current V6 petrol EcoBoost at 3,5 liter which is installed i F-150 will be first with CGI.
The Ford Cleveland Foundry is then the candidate for the installation next month. They have already a minisystem
which could have paved the way for the production in high volumes with the Plus system.
This BobCat-engine was sheduled to arrive in 2012 but was delayed and frozen during the finacial crisis in 2008

Also in June of ths year, this blogsite carried an item: ”Who will react first too VW’s CGI engine?” the item noted: Could Ford’s gasoline EcoBoost engine indeed be next in line to receive a CGI cylinder block? The Chihuahua Engine Plant could be one manufacturing location. And one month earlier, on 16 May 2013, this blog noted comments by Terry Aldea, global executive, castings and forgings operations, Ford Motor Company, hinted during his presentation at the SinterCast AGM that ”the waiting would soon be over” for a gasoline engine with a CGI block.



Tilläggi maj 2016

Det blev inte +411 hkr i denna motorn än. De valde istället att ha kvar det gamla blockmaterialet och slippa utgifter för bearbetningen av CGI. Synd. Den kommer rätt snart i CGI tror jag men det blev alltså inte denna gången

Mortimer har också en ny artikel om den nya motorn från Ford.



Ford Flex Fuel engine uses CGI block

According to sources in Brazil, Ford’s new Camaçari Engine Plant is producing a 1-litre three-cylinder TiVCT Flex Fuel engine, an entirely new family of three-cylinder engines with advanced technology for the compact car segment.
Sources report that the new ECOnetic Flex Fuel engine is using compacted graphite iron (CGI) material for the cylinder blocks. The CGI blocks are supplied by Tupy SA of Joinville, Brazil.

The new engine is the principal option for the new Ford Ka which has just been launched in Brazil and is now on sale in the country. Journalists who have driven the car have reported good impressions of the new engine.
A Ford development engineer associated with the new Flex Fuel engine however has confirmed the CGI cylinder blocks are supplied by Tupy.
Genom dess användning av flex-fuel en blandning av etanol och bensin kan rent dieselmässiga vridmoment uppnås. Detta kommer att bli stort.
Läs här om etanolinblandning

Using new direct injection engines, such as the upcoming 2.7l Ecoboost, one can achieve diesel-like  fuel efficiency at a fraction of the weight penalty (and cost!!!) of a conventional diesel engine.  The torque curve profile can be EXACTLY the same as a conventional common rail diesel making it handle in a very similar manner.  High BMEP is made possible through advanced metallurgy of modern engine blocks, heads, and pistons (example: compacted graphite iron).


Lyrisk långtidstest av RAM 1500 med dieselmotorn på 3 liter



The 2014 Ram Laramie EcoDiesel handled hauling duties with ease.

brilliant fuel economy

After travelling a little more than 4,000 kilometres, the average combined fuel economy clocked in at 9.3 L/100 km. The best highway economy was 8.2, though it was easy to consistently get 8.4. That, in a pickup, is spectacular. More importantly, the Ram Laramie month-long test left an indelible mark, the memory of which will be long enjoyed.

As noted throughout this test, the diesel’s acoustics are perfect. And, wow, is it quiet on the highway.

but the wisdom Chrysler displayed when it decided to make a 3.0-litre EcoDiesel available for the Ram 1500




Öppet brev till Steve Dawson, VD för SINTERCAST

I find it very confusing :

That the leading Brazilian Motormagazine


have had several articles saying the new Ford Ka 1 lit 3-cyl engine

has a graphite iron block from Tupy in it.
Please check the following links:
mas com bloco e cabeçote de alumínio, mais leve do que o bloco de ferro-grafite da Ford, portanto.
Segundo Heumann, o bloco de ferro-grafite fundido (fornecido pela Tupy) foi escolhido por ter algumas vantagens sobre o alumínio
brasileiro fabricado pela Ford em Camaçari (BA), com bloco de ferro-grafite fornecido pela Tupy, 
If this is the news in Brazil why can´t Sintercast come with a PR?

Ford siktar högt med SFE (Super Fuel Economy )

Ford F-150 targets mpg title with super fuel economy option

12:01 am U.S. ET | Aug. 4, 2014

The new aluminum-bodied 2015 F-150 coming from Ford Motor Co. this fall will try to recapture fuel economy bragging rights from Chrysler’s Ram 1500 by offering a ”super fuel economy” or SFE package






For 2015, Ford is offering a special package, or “SFE” for short, on the new aluminum-bodied F-150. Available on either XL or XLT models, the SFE aims to curb consumption thanks in part to the company’s newest V6 engine, a lightweight 2.7-liter twin-turbo featuring stop-start technology.




Ford spokesman Mike Levine later confirmed that the SFE option will be available for the XL and XLT trim levels, which together make up 70 percent of total F-150 sales.

It will also be offered on two different body styles: regular cab and SuperCab, he said.

Trucks equipped with the SFE package will ride on 17-inch wheels and tires, among the smallest available on any full-size pickup on the market today.

The engine used for the SFE option will be the new, smaller 2.7-liter EcoBoost direct-injected and twin-turbocharged V-6 that will launch on the 2015 F-150.


Arguably one of the biggest stories in 2014 is the all-new, aluminum Ford F-150.

As one of America’s most sold vehicles on an annual basis, it’s a big deal that the Blue Oval has decided to make such drastic changes. 

Now one thing that didn’t come to light until today was this thought: what if the all-new F-150 SFE is more fuel efficient than its clean diesel competition? To be more specific, the RAM EcoDiesel pick-up truck. 

According to Ford, the SFE model will come in the XL trim and be powered by the company’s EcoBoost 2.7-liter V6 motor. In addition it will do all it can to make it more fuel efficient, one example is the 17-inch wheels that will continue to help lower weight. 

One has to ask why would Ford go through all the expense of switching its already hot selling pick-up to aluminum if it didn’t want to be the class leader in mpg. Sure, the RAM is equipped with a diesel powerplant but that only means success for Ford if it can do the same or better from an mpg perspective. Keep in mind that the EcoDiesel costs a pretty penny straight away. 

So, what say you? Does Ford NEED to blow away its competition with its mpg?



Mike Levine har länkat till denna artikeln på sin twittersida. Det tyder på att den är rätt så riktig beträffande diesel jmfr bensin


Right now, Ford is up against GM’s new-for-2014 Chevy Silverado and GMC Sierra, which get an EPA-rated 24 miles per gallon on the highway in their most efficient versions



It seems unlikely that a gasoline-powered F-150 will top the diesel Ram. But Ford can argue that the diesel Ram is in a different class, with some justification.

Snart så skingras dimmorna


Let the war begin………..