Med en förbrukning på 0.23 liter/mil för en 5-sits personbil. Tror någon att den inte blir en hit?
Produktionen startar under detta året i volymer runt 150.000
Den aktuella motorn är en sensation

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Those vehicles, at least at first, likely are to be built in China. EcoMotors has granted Zhongding Power a license to build diesel versions of the engine. Zhongding is constructing a plant in Anhui Province to produce the engine at an anticipated rate of 150,000 per year. The first unit is expected to be built in the spring of 2015. Zhongding is also nearing completion of a compacted graphite iron (CGI) foundry to provide blocks for the engine. The facility, Soman said, should be in operation in the last quarter of 2014 and will provide CGI to outside customers as well as to Zhongding’s engine plant. –
Rätt så bekanta formuleringar
EcoMotors and Zhongding have been working together on the engine since 2010, with production scheduled to begin in 2014.
We won’t be seeing it under the hood of a regular production car any time soon though–instead, the design is likely to be used in a generator format, or in off-road and commercial vehicles.
Är det ett långskott att tro att denna anläggning är den som avses i
Serieproduktionen förväntas att starta under 2014, med en initial kapacitet på cirka 300 000 motorekvivalenter årligen för tunga fordon, off-road samt stationära applikationer inom industriell kraft.
En förbrukning på 100 MPG i en 5-sits personbil. Det motsvarar 0,23 l/mil. Fattar man hur stort detta kan bli?
The latest company to be promoting clean technology is EcoMotors International, a group that has plans to introduce a five-seater car capable of achieving 100mpg by next year
Runkle said that EcoMotors also has letters of intent with three Chinese manufacturers. He said he expects the engines to begin appearing in vehicles in 2015 or 2016. Chinese automakers are aggressively exploring new powertrains, making China an attractive market, he said.
Detta kan bli riktigt bra.
EcoMotors and a subsidiary engine company of First Auto Works (FAW) in JV to build opoc engines in China (updated)
4 March 2014
EcoMotors, Inc., (EM), developer of opposed-piston opposed-cylinder (opoc) engine technology (earlier post), has formed a joint venture with First Auto Works Jingye Engine Company (FAW JY) to develop, manufacture, sell and service the opoc engine technology in China.
The opoc architecture comprises 50% fewer components and far less mass than conventional internal combustion engines. The fully modular capability of opoc enables significant efficiency gains—up to nearly half the fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in “dual-module” configurations when compared with conventional engines of similar power.
The reduced mass and weight also allows automakers to fundamentally rethink the way they design vehicles, which holds the potential for further efficiencies through improved aerodynamics.
En OPOC motor kommer att lägga ungefär $ 600 till $ 900 till kostnaden för ett fordon, jämfört med en extra $ 3000 för en hybrid, enligt Don Runkle, CEO för EcoMotors. Säger Coletti: ”Den här tekniken är störande för branschen.”
Ecomotors estimates that the number of moving parts in its engine has been reduced from 385 to 62, meaning that there is one heck of a lot fewer parts that need servicing and can go bad.
Det är flera steg i denna raketen
Det andra är just tänt och även det kostar 200 milj US Dollars. Det innebär att kineserna är på väg att redan initialt satsa 400 milj US dollars på denna motorn som ännu inte gått i serieproduktion.
U.S. engine maker backed by Bill Gates forms second China venture
DETROIT Wed Mar 5, 2014 2:30am GMT
(Reuters) – EcoMotors, a Michigan-based engine maker backed by Microsoft founder Bill Gates and venture capitalist Vinod Khosla, has formed a joint venture in China with a subsidiary of First Auto Works.
The FAW subsidiary, First Auto Works Jingye Engine Company, is investing more than $200 million in the venture, BEM (Shanxi) Co, which aims to begin building an advanced engine designed by EcoMotors in 2015 in China’s Shanxi province.
FAW’s manufacturing partners in China include Volkswagen AG (VOWG_p.DE), Toyota Motor Corp (7203.T) and General Motors Co.
It is the second China venture for EcoMotors, a suburban Detroit startup, which announced a similar deal last April with China’s Zhongding Power. The privately held Chinese firm plans to ramp up production this year in Anhui province, supplying engines for use in commercial and off-road vehicles.
Both China ventures will build EcoMotors’ OPOC engine, which is more compact than conventional gas and diesel engines of similar power. It is also said to be cheaper and to deliver higher fuel economy and fewer emissions.
Braemer Energy Ventures is also an investor in EcoMotors, which was founded in 2008.
Det kan växa till 400.000 motorer per år efter ett tag.
The factory will be the first in the world building EcoMotor’s “opoc,” opposed piston, opposed cylinder engine, at a commercial scale. When it starts production in 2014, the factory will aim to produce 150,000 engines per year. There’s also an adjacent site that could expand production to 400,000 engines per year down the road.